A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
sPACE tO wALK aS wE wORK oUT hOW wE fEEL about our lives. wITH mUSIC

Explore the region using the arrow keys or WASD to walk around. Tap 'space' to hop, or hold the space bar to scramble up much steeper slopes. Hold the 'C' key to display other controls. wHAT hAPPENED hERE? Play is conceived of as somewhere between an urban / exploration simulator and walking meditation / acceptance practice. Press Alt-F4 to quit when you want - but the game has endings (ways to die). [Trigger warning: one ending text discusses suicide.]
This is the end of Block 2. Win10, Linux and macOS builds are currently up to date. If you'd like to see a substantial eariler snapshot, YRIDEAD (Block 1) has builds for Win10, Linux and macOS. dEVELOPMENT gOES oN iN bLOCK 3...
Status | Prototype |
Platforms | Windows, macOS, Linux |
Author | puritycontrol |
Tags | 3D, Atmospheric, Casual, Exploration, Singleplayer, Unity, Walking simulator |
Install instructions
- Please do not change or delete any of the contents of the game folder, as Unity intensely dislikes that.
- Because I am smol, Windows sees me as Unrecognized Developer, so one running the Windows build may encounter a blue pop-up with a button saying 'Don't Run'. If you click 'More Information' above that, an option will show to 'Run Anyway'.
- One running the MacOS build will need to perform a fix shown step-by-step by this nice person. You can then open the application. Otherwise it has been observed to say "This application cannot be opened." It is a common problem with MacOS and itch.io downloaded applications.
- My apologies to macOS and Linux users as I have lately realized you do not use Alt-F4. Please subsitute your OS-appropriate "quit/close" command in the instructions above. I have added a Quit function for Block 3 aND hENCEFORTH
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